SNMMI/ACNM Webinar - What is New in Infection Imaging?

SNMMI/ACNM Webinar - What is new in infection imaging?

What is New in Infection Imaging?
November 12, 2024 | 12:00 pm ET
Organized as part of the SNMMI/ACNM "Hot Topics" Webinar Series

Katherine Zukotynski, BASc, MD, PhD, P.Eng; Gary Ulaner, MD, PhD, FACNM; Twyla Bartel, DO, MBA, FACNM

ModeratorMuheon Shin, MD

Speaker: Ora Israel, Sr., MD, FSNMMI


Course Summary:

This webinar will present the recently updated joint SNMMI and EANM guidelines on FDG studies in clinical scenarios related to imaging of infectious and inflammatory processes (I&). Protocols and interpretation criteria related to the use of FDG imaging for assessment of I&I as well as potential “red flags” will be detailed. Additional updates will focus on the application of FDG imaging to specific clinical scenario. Recent literature providing a comprehensive overview of the test’s performance indices will be reviewed.

Course Objectives:

  • Present the recently developed new version #2 of the general guidelines on FDG imaging in infection and inflammation.
  • Compare differences and additions in current publication vs. previous version of these guidelines published in 2013.
  • Describe specific protocols requirements when performing FDG imaging studies in these clinical indications.
  • Present updated performance indices for FDG imaging in infection and inflammation using recently available evidence-based literature data.

CE Information:
CE Credit applications for physicians, pharmacists, physicists and technologists are pending. Check back for updates regarding CE Credit status.

11/12/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time

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